Welcome to my Dungeons and Dragons page! This is a huge work in progress, and will doubtlessly go through several edits, reworks, and general chicanery. Don't get too attached to anything quite yet.

On this page, I will be compiling every single thing related to my planned Dungeons and Dragons campaign, though I will be omitting anything that the players shouldn't know, because I'm certain they'll be snooping. When I say 'thing', what I mean is (in no particular order) the map and setting, major characters/NPCS, any music playlists that I create for use within the campaign (because I love me some thematic music), mythology and folklore, artwork that I create and/or commission associated with the campaign, and probably some other things I haven't thought of yet.

With all that preamble out of the way, I'll make a nonexhaustive list of the various subsections I'd like to create in the future so that I can more easily place the links when they're ready to be added: