As mentioned breifly in one of my updates I am writing an epic poem for my DnD campaign. While it's nowhere even close to done, I do have an opening that I'm gonna post because damn it was fun to write.
Let us speak of those ancient times, a time before our gods and our history.
Let us speak of those great cities, whose towers pierced the heavens and parted the clouds.
Let us speak of the great king Sharvan, ruler of the city called Miral.
He, who would see himself rise from peasantry to kingship.
He, who would see his city rise from obscurity to exaltation.
He, who would see the world rise from ruin to resplendence.
Sharvan, a man of ambition.
Miral, a city of wonder.
Ornithia, a place of beauty.
Let us speak his tale once more, that he and his city may never fade.